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The Backup Blueprint: Your Guide to Data Recovery Success

Creating a backup for your data is the best way to safeguard against unforeseen events like accidental deletions, data corruption, hardware failures, ransomware attacks, and various forms of data loss. These backups can be stored locally, offsite, or both, with offsite backup being a key component for business continuity and a strong disaster recovery strategy. In this blog, we will provide an overview of the various backup methodologies and share with you the benefits of backup data recovery solutions.

Cloud Backups

Cloud backups are one of the most popular and widely adopted forms of data backup solutions. This popularity has been steadily increasing over the years due to accessibility and convenience (access to data from anywhere with an internet connection), offsite storage and redundancy (offsite backup protects against physical disasters like fires or floods), and scalability to accommodate growing data needs without requiring significant changes in infrastructure.

There are several types of cloud backup technology, each designed to serve specific purposes and provide varying levels of protection:

Direct-to-cloud backup involves sending offsite file backups directly to the cloud, bypassing the need for a local device.

Cloud-to-cloud backup is about transferring data from one cloud service to another.

SaaS backup is focused on safeguarding data generated in SaaS applications like Microsoft 365 or Google G Suite.

It’s worth noting that Microsoft 365 cloud backups offer many valuable benefits. In addition to providing a robust safeguard against data loss, with access to information even during unexpected incidents or human error, Microsoft 365 cloud backups streamline collaboration by enabling seamless file sharing and version control; enhancing productivity across teams. With data stored securely in the cloud, businesses can access their files from anywhere, any time, for a truly mobile work environment. It’s a cost-effective solution, eliminating the need for on-premises infrastructure and maintenance.

However, even though data exists in the cloud, it is still susceptible to deletion, corruption, and ransomware attacks. Therefore, having a backup strategy for cloud-based data is crucial.

Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery (BCDR)

Products designed for swift recovery of data and operations are typically known as Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) solutions.

BCDR solutions are specifically designed to facilitate fast restores, minimizing business downtime. They utilize snapshot and virtualization technologies to create bootable virtual server images on a backup device or in the cloud. In the event of a primary server failure or outage, operations are shifted to the backup device or cloud while the primary server is being restored. Once the primary server is back online, operations are transferred back.

BCDR recovery times are typically a matter of minutes, a significant improvement over the potentially lengthy downtime associated with traditional backup methods. Modern BCDR solutions like those recommended by Pavelcomm have made robust data protection accessible even for small to medium businesses, eliminating the need for massive hardware investments.

Types of Data Recovery Techniques for Pavelcomm

Before delving into types of data recovery, let’s explain the difference between recovering data and restoring data:

Restoration involves retrieving data from a backup, which can include copying data from backup media to an existing or new device or moving data from the cloud to a local device, or even between different cloud services. Recovery encompasses the broader process of restoring both data and operational functionality, such as returning a server to its regular operational state following a hardware failure.

The time required for restoration and recovery can vary based on the chosen backup format and data recovery methods. Additionally, the nature of the restore (e.g., individual file versus entire server) and the locations of critical data (workstations, local servers, or the cloud) are significant factors to consider when selecting a backup and recovery solution.

File Restore: This involves the retrieval of lost files from a backup to their original location. It's ideal for scenarios where only specific files need to be recovered.

Volume Restore: This process is useful for restoring large numbers of files when a full system restore isn't necessary.

Bare Metal Restore: This entails restoring an entire system image, including data, applications, settings, and the operating system, to a new physical server. It's employed when the primary server is damaged, inoperable, or fails.

Local Virtualization: This feature enables fast recovery of business operations by booting a virtual server from a snapshot on the backup device, allowing normal business operations to continue while the primary server is being restored.

Cloud Virtualization: Similar to local virtualization, this process occurs in the cloud. Some BCDR solutions can create a tertiary cloud copy of backup server images, ensuring business operations can continue even if both primary and backup servers are inoperable.

Advantages of a Backup and Recovery Solution

Easy Deployment and Management: Devices are configured out of the box, minimizing setup hassles.

Reliable, Verified Backups: Advanced backup verification ensures complete, ransomware-free, and bootable server images, instilling confidence in local and cloud backups.

Fast Recovery: Swift recovery options include local virtualization (6-second local recovery) and cloud virtualization.

Flexible Recovery Options: With a comprehensive toolbox for restoration, Pavelcomm offers BCDR solutions that meet a wide array of recovery needs, ensuring recovery time objectives (RTO) are met.

What is Backup Management?

Backup management involves the ongoing administration of data protection operations. The level of effort required depends on the chosen backup method. It's important to ask a solution provider like Pavelcomm for products that enable automation of routine tasks, offer backup verification and policy-based retention, and integration with other applications. While solutions with these capabilities may have higher upfront costs, they often lead to lower total costs of ownership due to reduced administrative overhead.

Finding a unified approach to data backup and recovery is key; particularly one that can eliminate the need to juggle multiple products for different recovery scenarios. At Pavelcomm, our approach is to first gain a clear and thorough understanding of what your backup needs are so we can help you pursue, configure, deploy, and manage the appropriate solution to meet your needs (local, cloud, remote). Contact us today for more information.


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